Description Project-Spanish

In the past 2 weeks we have been working on description words to describe ourselves and others based on what they like to do.  Through this unit I have learned many more words to describe people, and I have also improved from last year on how to write “gustar” sentences.

I created a project that showcases the description words and how to use them by showing the things that I like to do along with what some of my friends and family members like to do.

Diseases caused by Alcohol

Anemia is a disease caused by heaving drinking and it can cause the number of oxygen- carrying blood cells to be abnormally low. This condition can trigger many symptoms, including fatigue, shortness of breath, and lightheadedness.

Cancer is another disease that is increased because of alcohol. This disease is caused by habitual drinking that increases the rate of cancer. Scientist believe that the increased risk comes when a body converts alcohol into acetaldehyde and potent carcinogens.

Cardiovascular Disease is a disease where heavy drinking, especially bingeing, makes platelets more likely to clump together into blood clots, which can lead to heart attack or stroke.  

Personal Description in Spanish

charcters-description-spanish-collage  This past week in Spanish we have been learning how to use description verbs to describe yourself and others. For this assignment we were to find fictional characters that represent our personalities, and how we act. We have been using these descriptive words to answer the questions what are you like, what is he/she like, and what are you like?

Yo soy extrovertida, curiosa y honesta. Me gusta bailar, pasar tiempos con amigos, dormir, comer y jugar a los deportes.

Genius Hour Blog Post

My partner and I have chosen to do a project seeing if kids from third- seventh-grade work better in groups or work better alone. We chose this topic because if we see that more kids like working in groups or alone, or if they work better alone or in groups. If we see that more kids work better in groups and that they like it more then we are going to talk to principal about working in groups or alone more. So far we have been in one 6th grade class and they had the choice to either work alone and in groups so we walked around to see how the people working in groups were doing compared to the people working alone. We had a meeting with one of the principals about coming in and seeing some classes in grades 3-5th on Monday, but we know that we have permission for grades 6-7th. We still have to get a response from one principal but then we should be ready to do our research.
