Author Archives: kpepper
The Golden Egg!!
It gave us a big fright.
But what we saw before us.
Would make everyone at home have a big fuss.
There before my eyes it gave me a smile.
That made me want to stay awhile.
It flew away with the wind.
And I thought it was the end.
But it came back to me again.
And I said “I win”!!!
(Picture uploaded from google images)
Valentines Day!!!!!
Valentines day is all about love to me and it is hard to believe that a little after the end of the 5th century that Valentines day definitly associated with love. Valentine greetings were popular as far back as the middle ages, though written Valentines didn’t begin to appear until after 1400. The oldest known valentine still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles,Duke of Orleans , to his wife while he was imprisoned in the tower of London following his capture at the battle of Agincourt. (
My New Years Resolution!!!
This is a brand new year and i am going to make 2013 the best year of all!! I know i havent been helping my mom wash the dishes and clothes and this year I am because my parents go to work everyday to get money to put food on our table, cleen clothes on our body, and a roof over me, my brothers, and my sisters heads so this year my new years resolution is to help my parents around the house and make 2013 the BEST YEAR EVER!!!!!!!!
Time for Halloween, getting costumes,getting treak or treating candy,getting Halloween baskets to carry all of our candy in!!! I hope everyone has a great Halloween and has fun getting to dress up in your comstumes like crayons,zombies,vampires,ghost, I am going to be a crayon for Halloween with my older sister Emma she is going to be a silver one and I am going to be a gold crayon!!! I am really ready for Halloween and I hope that eveeybody else is too, I hope that everyone has a great time getting to dress up and walk through the streets with their family! Have a great Halloween everyone!!!!
Cloning a Mammoth!!
I think that cloning a mammoth is a very bad idea. Cloning a mammoth can cause serious problems. There is no reason to bring them back to life anyway beacause they are just trying to make the wooly mammoth live in the climate it died in. Wooly mammoths are terrible to bring back,because they could possibly through a car with their tusk. Bringing a wooly mammoth back to life would cost alot of money and instead of using that money on a mammoth we could use it on people who are very sick. God took the mammoth out of the world for a reason and if God took it out then it’s not a good idea to try and put it baack in the world. A wooly mammoth could possibly hurt us. How could we know? We dont know if the wooly mammoth carries diseases or not. The wooly mammoth can kill or seriously hurt humans. They haven’t benn around for thosands of years. I thi nk clonning a mammoth is a bad idea. What do you think?